др Зоран С. Митровић, редовни професор
Катедра за механику
Кабинет: 200
Мејл адреса: zmitrovic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Телефон: локал 377; директан 3302-377
четвртак, 14. сати
Механика 1
Механика 2
Механика 3
Механика М
Одабрана поглавља из механике
Основе механике 1
Основе механике 2
Основе механике 3
Осцилације механичких система
Стабилност кретања система
Стручна пракса М - МЕХ
Теорија осцилација
Теорија осцилација
Fuzzy логика, Управљање системима, Управљање осцилацијама, Механика крутог тела
Машински факултет, докторска дисертација 1997
Српско друштво за Механику, International Union of Theoretical and applied Mechanics
Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Šalinić Slaviša (2022). On the problem of a heavy homogeneous ball rolling without slipping over a fixed surface of revolution, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 420.
Elsevier Science Inc, New York, ISSN: 0096-3003, 10.1016/j.amc.2021.126906, M21a.
Radulović Radoslav, Obradović Aleksandar, Šalinić Slaviša, Mitrović Zoran (2017). The brachistochronic motion of a wheeled vehicle, Nonlinear Dynamics, 87(1), 191-205.
Springer, Dordrecht, ISSN: 0924-090X, 10.1007/s11071-016-3035-3, M21a.
Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Rusov Srđan (2012). Brachistochrone with limited reaction of constraint in an arbitrary force field, Nonlinear Dynamics, 69(1-2), 211-222.
Springer, Dordrecht, ISSN: 0924-090X, 10.1007/s11071-011-0258-1, M21a.
Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Rusov Srđan (2012). Erratum: Šalinić, S.; Obradović, A.; Mitrović, Z.; Rusov, S. Brachistochrone with Limited Reaction of Constraint in an Arbitrary Force Field. Nonlinear Dynamics 2012, 69 (1–2), 211–222. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11071-011-0258-1., Nonlinear Dynamics, 70, 891-892.
Springer, Dordrecht, ISSN: 0924-090X, 10.1007/S11071-012-0553-5, M21a.
Djukić Marko, Rusov Srđan, Mitrović Zoran (2010). A fuzzy model for an increase in locomotive traction force, Transport, 25(1), 36-45.
Vilnius Gediminas Tech Univ, Vilnius, ISSN: 1648-4142, 10.3846/transport.2010.06, M21a.
Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Rusov Srđan, Mitrović Zoran, Stokić Zoran (2015). Optimization of gravity flow discharge chutes under the speed dependent resisting forces: Maximizing exit velocity, Powder Technology, 273, 203-209.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISSN: 0032-5910, 10.1016/j.powtec.2014.12.051, M21.
Zorić Nemanja, Simonović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Stupar Slobodan, Obradović Aleksandar, Lukić Nebojša S. (2014). Free vibration control of smart composite beams using particle swarm optimized self-tuning fuzzy logic controller, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333(21), 5244-5268.
Academic Press Ltd- Elsevier Science Ltd, London, ISSN: 0022-460X, 10.1016/j.jsv.2014.06.001, M21.
Zorić Nemanja, Simonović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Stupar Slobodan (2013). Optimal vibration control of smart composite beams with optimal size and location of piezoelectric sensing and actuation, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 24(4), 499-526.
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 1045-389X, 10.1177/1045389X12463465, M21.
Jeremić Olivera, Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran (2011). On the brachistochrone of a variable mass particle in general force fields, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, 54(11-12), 2900-2912.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0895-7177, 10.1016/j.mcm.2011.07.011, M21.
Obradović Aleksandar, Vuković J., Mladenović Nikola, Mitrović Zoran (2011). Time optimal motions of mechanical system with a prescribed trajectory, Meccanica, 46(4), 803-816.
Springer, Dordrecht, ISSN: 0025-6455, 10.1007/s11012-010-9339-3, M21.
Djurić Nataša, Novaković Vojislav M., Holst Johnny, Mitrović Zoran (2007). Optimization of energy consumption in buildings with hydronic heating systems considering thermal comfort by use of computer-based tools, Energy and Buildings, 39(4), 471-477.
Elsevier Science Sa, Lausanne, ISSN: 0378-7788, 10.1016/j.enbuild.2006.08.009, M21.
Obradović Aleksandar, Šalinić Slaviša, Jeremić Olivera, Mitrović Zoran (2014). On the brachistochronic motion of a variable-mass mechanical system in general force fields, Mathematics and Mechanics of Solids, 19(4), 398-410.
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 1081-2865, 10.1177/1081286512467563, M22.
Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Rusov Srđan (2013). On the brachistochronic motion of the Chaplygin sleigh, Acta Mechanica, 224(9), 2127-2141.
Springer Wien, Wien, ISSN: 0001-5970, 10.1007/s00707-013-0878-2, M22.
Cović V., Mitrović Zoran, Rusov Srđan, Obradović Aleksandar (2013). On the instability of equilibrium position of a mechanical system with singular constraints, Zamm-Zeitschrift Fur Angewandte Mathematik Und Mechanik, 93(12), 928-936.
Wiley-V C H Verlag Gmbh, Weinheim, ISSN: 0044-2267, 10.1002/zamm.201200080, M22.
Obradović Aleksandar, Jeremić Bojan, Tomović Aleksandar, Šalinić Slaviša, Mitrović Zoran (2024). Mass Minimization of Axially Functionally Graded Euler–Bernoulli Beams with Coupled Bending and Axial Vibrations, Mechanics of Solids.
Springer, Dordrecht, ISSN: 0025-6544, 10.1134/S002565442460260X, M23.
Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran (2012). On the brachistochronic motion of mechanical systems with unilateral constraints, Mechanics Research Communications, 45, 1-6.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0093-6413, 10.1016/j.mechrescom.2012.06.006, M23.
Djukić Marko, Rusov Srđan, Mitrović Zoran, Obradović Aleksandar, Šalinić Slaviša (2012). Fuzzy model for braking force maximization, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 50(4), 1037-1048.
Polish Society of Theoretical and Allied Mechanics, ISSN: 1429-2955, M23.
Zorić Nemanja, Simonović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Stupar Slobodan (2012). Višeciljna fazi optimizacija veličine i položaja piezoelektričnih aktuatora i senzora, FME Transactions, 40(1), 1-9.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M24.
Veg Marko, Tomović Aleksandar, Šiniković Goran, Dikić Stefan, Zorić Nemanja, Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran (2023). EXPERIMENTAL AND NUMERICAL APPROACH TO NATURAL FREQUENCY OF TAPERED 3D PRINTED CANTILEVER BEAM A TIP BODY, 9th International Congress of the Serbian Society of Mechanics July 5-7, 2023, Vrnjačka Banja, Serbia.
Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Zorić Nemanja (2021). Mass minimization of an AFG Timoshenko cantilever beam with a large body placed eccentrically at the beam end, Procceding of 8th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics Kragujevac, Serbia, June 28-30, 2021.
Beograd : Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, ISBN: 978-86-909973-8-1, M33.
Zorić Nemanja, Radulović Radoslav, Jazarević Vladimir, Mitrović Zoran (2020). H∞ Robust Control of Ramjet Engine, 9th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2020), Beograd, Serbia, October 15-16 2020.
Belgrade : Military Technical Institute, ISBN: 978-86-81123-83-6, M33.
Tomović Aleksandar, Šalinić Slaviša, Obradović Aleksandar, Lazarević Mihailo, Mitrović Zoran (2019). The exact natural frequency solution of a free axialbending vibration problem of a non-uniform AFG cantilever beam with a tip body, Proceeding of 7th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics Sremski Karlovci, Serbia, June 24-26, 2019.
Beograd : Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, ISBN: 978-86-909973-7-4, M33.
Zorić Nemanja, Tomović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Lazarević Mihailo, Pavišić Mirko (2015). Comparison of various optimization criteria for actuator placement for active vibration control of smart composite beam, 5th International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Aranđelovac, 2015.
Serbian Society of Mechanics, ISBN: 978-86- 7892-715-7, M33.
Zorić Nemanja, Jovanović Miroslav, Lukić Nebojša, Simonović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran, Stupar Slobodan (2014). Optimization of sizing, location and orientation of piezoelectric actuator-sensor pairs on composite plate, 6th International Scientific Conference on Defensive Technologies (OTEH 2014), Beograd, Serbia.
Belgrade : Military Technical Institute, ISBN: 978-86-81123-71-3, M33.
Zorić Nemanja, Mitrović Zoran, Simonović Aleksandar, Stupar Slobodan (2012). A PIC32 based activevibration control ofsmart composite beams, 29th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2012.
University of Belgrade, M33.
Mitrović Zoran, Obradović Aleksandar, Rusov Srđan, Mladenović Nikola (2011). Fuzzy optimization of cantilever beam, Proceedings of IConSSM 2011, The 3rd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Vlasina Lake, Serbia, Serbian Society for Mechanics, Србија, 5. - 8. Jul, 2011.
Beograd : Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, ISBN: 978-86-909973-3-6, M33.
Obradović Aleksandar, Šalinić Slaviša, Jeremić Olivera, Mitrović Zoran (2011). Brachistochronic motion of a variable mass system, Proceedings of IConSSM 2011, The 3rd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics, Vlasina Lake, Serbia, Serbian Society for Mechanics,Србија, 5. - 8. Jul, 2011.
Beograd : Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, ISBN: 978-86-909973-3-6, M33.
Zorić Nemanja, Mitrović Zoran, Simonović Aleksandar (2011). Multi-objective optimization of piezoelectric sensor and actuator placement and sizing for active vibration control, 3rd International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics - IconSSM, Vlasinsko jezero, Serbia.
Beograd : Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, ISBN: 978-86-909973-3-6, M33.
Vuković Josif, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran (2009). Optimal control of mechanical system motion with limited reactions of constraints, Preceeding of 2 International Congress of Serbian Society of Mechanics (lConsSM 2009) Palić (Subotica), Serbia, 1-5 June 2009.
Srpsko društvo za mehaniku, ISBN: ISBN 978-86-7892-173-5, M33.
Zorić Nemanja, Tomović Aleksandar, Obradović Aleksandar, Mitrović Zoran (2020). Fractional-order PD control design for active vibration control of smart structures, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies (CNN TECH 2020).
ISBN: 978-86-6060-042-6, M34.
Динамичко понашање паметних такозидних композитних материјала, Немања Зорић, 2013.
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