др Горан М. Младеновић, ванредни професор
Катедра за производно машинство
Кабинет: 243
Мејл адреса: gmladenovic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Телефон: локал 406; директан 3302-406
Четвртком 12-14h
CAD/CAM системи
Завршни предмет - CAD/CAM системи
Завршни предмет - Компјутерска графика
Компјутерска графика
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Рачунарски интегрисани системи и технологије
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Флексибилни и реконфигурабилни технолошки системи
Пројектовање и производња применом компјутера (CAD/CAM). Информациони системи за планирање и управљање производњом.
2015 - Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, Доктор наука. 2008 - Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, дипл. инж. маш.
2023 - Tesla spirit award, New York, USA 2015 - Пето место на такмичењу за Најбољу технолошку иновацију НТИ–2015, Тим: WPS 2008 - Најбољи студент на петој години студија школске 2006/2007
ЈУПИТЕР асоцијација
Nozga Libor, Avoni Giulio, Banas Elzbieta, Brandt Andrew, Cerny Karel, Davis Paul, Pinto Serge Duarte, Georgiev Vjaceslav, Hrabovsky Miroslav, Komarek Tomas, Korcyl Krzysztof, Lopez-Paz Ivan, Milovanovic Marko, Mladenović Goran, Orlov Dmitry, Rijssenbeek Michael, Schovanek Petr, Sykora Tomas, Trzebinski Maciej, Urbasek Vladimir, Zich Jan (2023). Upgraded cherenkov time-of-flight detector for the afp project, Optics Express, 31(3), 3998-4014.
Optica Publishing Group, ISSN: 1094-4087, 10.1364/OE.480624, M21.
Milošević Nenad, Sedmak Aleksandar, Bakić Gordana, Lazić Vukić, Milošević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Maslarević Aleksandar (2021). Determination of the Actual Stress-Strain Diagram for Undermatching Welded Joint Using DIC and FEM, Materials, 14(16).
MDPI, Basel, ISSN: 1996-1944, 10.3390/ma14164691, M21.
Mihailović Vladislava, Mirić-Milosavljević Mira, Djurković Marija, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš, Trajković Isaak (2022). Loading Rate Effects on MOE and MOR Distributions in Testing of Small Clear Beech Wood Specimens, Bioresources, 17(1), 1818-1835.
North Carolina State Univ Dept Wood & Paper Sci, Raleigh, ISSN: 1930-2126, 10.15376/biores.17.1.1818-1835, M22.
Kovacević Tihomir, Rusmirović Jelena D., Tomić Nataša, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš, Mitrović Nenad, Marinković Aleksandar D. (2019). Effects of oxidized/treated non-metallic fillers obtained from waste printed circuit boards on mechanical properties and shrinkage of unsaturated polyester-based composites, Polymer Composites, 40(3), 1170-1186.
Wiley, Hoboken, ISSN: 0272-8397, 10.1002/pc.24827, M22.
Durković Marija, Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Danon Gradimir (2018). Impact of feed rate, milling depth and tool rake angle in peripheral milling of oak wood on the cutting force, Maderas-Ciencia Y Tecnologia, 20(1), 25-34.
Univ Bio-Bio, Concepcion, ISSN: 0718-221X, 10.4067/S0718-221X2018005001301, M22.
Mladenović Goran, Bojanić Pavao, Tanović Ljubodrag, Klimenko Sergey (2015). Experimental Investigation of Microcutting Mechanisms in Oxide Ceramic CM332 Grinding, Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering-Transactions of The Asme, 137(3).
ASME, New York, ISSN: 1087-1357, 10.1115/1.4029564, M22.
Aad G., Abbott B., Abbott D. C., Abdallah J., Abeling K., Mladenović Goran (2024). The ATLAS experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider: a description of the detector configuration for Run 3, Journal of Instrumentation, 19, 1-222.
IOP Publishing for Sissa Medialab, ISSN: 1748-0221, 10.1088/1748-0221/19/05/P05063, M23.
Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš, Milovanović Aleksa, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš (2023). Printing parameter optimization of PLA material concerning geometrical accuracy and tensile properties relative to FDM process productivity, Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology, 37(2), 697-706.
Seoul, The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers, ISSN: 1738-494X, 10.1007/s12206-023-0113-6, M23.
Postić Srdan D., Milošević Miloš, Maneski Taško, Mladenović Goran, Brković Snežana, Trifković Branka (2022). Optical stereometric analysis of an experimental partially-edentulous mandible, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 14(6).
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 1687-8132, 10.1177/16878132221106648, M23.
Arsić Dušan, Lazić Vukić, Sedmak Aleksandar, Aleksandrović Srbislav, Zivković Jelena, Đorđević Milan, Mladenović Goran (2020). Effect of elevated temperatures on mechanical properties of ultra high strength hot work tool steel h11, Transactions of Famena, 44(2), 71-82.
Univ Zagreb Fac Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture, Zagreb, ISSN: 1333-1124, 10.21278/TOF.44207, M23.
Pjević Miloš, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran, Marković Biljana (2017). Experimental Examination of the Impact of Tool Radius on Specific Energy in Microcutting of Granite, Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology-Transactions of The Asme, 139(4).
ASME, New York, ISSN: 0094-4289, 10.1115/1.4036585, M23.
ISSN: 1451-3749, M24.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran (2020). Recycling system for the FDM/FFF method material designed for small and medium-sized production batches, Advanced Technologies and Materials, 45(2), 17-20.
ISSN: 2620-0325, 10.24867/ATM-2020-2-003, M24.
Đorđević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Zrnić Nenad, Bošnjak Srđan (2018). Analiza faze proizvodnje pri proceni životnog ciklusa laboratorijskog trakastog transportera, FME Transactions, 46(3), 410-417.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1803410D, M24.
Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan (2018). Savremeni pristup projektovanja kružnih profilnih strugarskih noževa za izradu delova složene geometrije, FME Transactions, 46(1), 80-85.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1801080P, M24.
Milošević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Sedmak Aleksandar, Plohar Andrej, Likozar Blaz (2017). Design and manufacture of reformer in polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell, Structural Integrity and Life, 17(1), 21-24.
Institut za ispitivanje materijala, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-3749, M24.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Ehmann Kornel F. (2015). Generisanje putanje alata za obradu slobodnih površina glodanjem variranjem brzine pomoćnog kretanja, FME Transactions, 43(1), 9-15.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1501009M, M24.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran (2020). Recycling system for the FDM/FFF method material designed for small and medium-sized production batches, Advanced Technologies and Materials, 45(2), 17-20.
ISSN: 2620-0325, 10.24867/ATM-2020-2-003, M51.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2012). Исследования в области микрорезания мрамора и гранита, Journal of Mechanical Engineering of the National Technical University of Ukraine, 64, 271-275.
Kyiv : National Technical University of Ukraine “Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute”, ISSN: 2305-9001, M51.
Mladenović Goran, Milovanović Marko, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Stojadinović Slavenko (2020). The Development of CAD/CAM System for Automatic Manufacturing Technology Design for Part with Free Form Surfaces, Computational and Experimental Approaches in Materials Science and Engineering, Cnntech 2019, 90, 460-476.
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, ISSN: 2367-3370, 10.1007/978-3-030-30853-7_27, M14.
Milovanović Aleksa, Milošević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Likozar Blaz, Čolić Katarina, Mitrović Nenad (2019). Experimental Dimensional Accuracy Analysis of Reformer Prototype Model Produced by FDM and SLA 3D Printing Technology, Experimental and Numerical Investigations in Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 84-95.
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, ISSN: 2367-3370, 10.1007/978-3-319-99620-2_7, M14.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2012). Исследования в области микрорезания мрамора и гранита, Theses of lectures XІII Іnternational Scientific and Technical Conference, The Progressive Engineering & Technique.
Механіко-машинобудівний інститут НТУУ “КПІ”, M32.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Milovanović Aleksa, Puzović Radovan, Mladenović Goran (2024). THE POST-PROCESSING METHOD FOR LARGE-SIZED PARTS PRODUCED USING SLA/mSLA TECHNOLOGY, 7th International Scientific Conference - COMETa2024, Proceedings.
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-99976-085-2-9, M33.
Kocić Igor, Mladenović Goran, Nikolić Saša, Mitić Darko, Danković Nikola, Djekic Petar (2024). Horizontal Boring Mill Machine Feedrate Revitalization with DC Converter and PLC, New Trends in Engineering Research within Series Title Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 792, 320-332.
Springer Nature Switzerland AG, ISSN: 2367-3370, M33.
Jevtić Ivana, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš, Trajković Isaak, Milovanović Aleksa (2023). Deviations Measurements of SLS PA Material at Compressive Specimens, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07, 2023.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M33.
Popović Mihajlo, Furtula Marko, Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran (2023). SIMULATION, ANALYSIS AND OPTIMIZATION OF FORGING PROCESS FOR AXISYMMETRIC PART, Proceedings - 39th International Conference on production Engineering of Serbia – ICPES 2023.
Jevtić Ivana, Drakulović Obrad, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš (2023). Types of bee drinkers, International Scientific and Professional Conference Politehnika 2023.
The Academy of Applied Technical Studies Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-7498-110-8, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš (2021). Software upgrade for automatic rough milling technology design for parts with free form surfaces, XXXVIII Savetovanje proizvodnog mašinstva Srbije SPMS 2021 - zbornik radova.
Faculty of technical sciences Čačak, University of Kragujevac, ISBN: 978-86-7776-252-0, M33.
Milovanović Aleksa, Sedmak Aleksandar, Grbović Aleksandar, Golubović Zorana, Mladenović Goran, Čolić Katarina, Milošević Miloš (2020). Comparative analysis of printing parameters effect on mechanical properties of natural PLA and advanced PLA-X material, Procedia Structural Integrity - 1st Virtual European Conference on Fracture - Vecf1, 28, 1963-1968.
Elsevier, Amsterdam, ISSN: 2452-3216, 10.1016/j.prostr.2020.11.019, M33.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran (2020). Recycling system for the fdm/fff method material designed for small and medium-sized production batches, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference - COMETa2020.
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo, ISBN: 978-99976-719-8-1, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Milovanović Marko, Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš, Simonović Vojislav (2020). Development of cam system for rough machining in free form surface manufacturing, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference - COMETa2020.
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo, ISBN: 978-99976-719-8-1, M33.
Pjević Miloš, Stojadinović Slavenko, Tanović Ljubodrag, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran, Puzović Radovan (2019). Determination of the Optimal Regression Model for the Measurement Quality Characteristics of the Micro Cutting Stone-Based Materials, Proceedings of The 12th International Conference on Measurement and Quality Control - Cyber Physical.
Springer-Verlag Berlin, Berlin, ISSN: 2195-4356, 10.1007/978-3-030-18177-2_18, M33.
Tasić Nevena, Marković Dragan, Simonović Vojislav, Mladenović Goran, Medojević Ivana, Joksimović Aleksandra (2019). Modeling Of Tractor Platform For Crop Scouting, The Fourth International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE-2019, 4, I-10-I-18.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Agricultural Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7834-342-1, M33.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Mladenović Goran (2018). Layers optimisation of the pla parts formed by additive technologies, Proceedings of 4th International Scientific Conference - COMETa2018.
University of East Sarajevo, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering East Sarajevo, ISBN: 978-99976-719-4-3, M33.
Simonović Vojislav, Marković Dragan, Marković Ivana, Mladenović Goran, Ortopan Mateja (2017). Impact Of The Sensor High In The Measurement Of The Corn Vegetative Index, The Third International Symposium on Agricultural Engineering ISAE-2017, 20th-21st October 2017, Belgrade, 3, V-1-V-7.
Belgrade : Faculty of Agriculture, Department for Agricultural Engineering, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš (2017). Software solution for automatic choise of cutting parameters in free form surfaces machining, Proceedings of XIV International Conference Maintenance and Production Engineering “KODIP - 2017”.
Engineering Academy of Montenegro, ISBN: 978-9940-527-51-8, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Pjević Miloš (2015). Machining error determination for 3-axis milling of free form surfaces, Proceedings of 8th International Working Conference “Total Quality Management - Advanced and Intelligent Approaches”.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-858-1, M33.
Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran (2014). Eksperimenti ortogonalnog struganja u funkciji predikcije sila rezanja, Proceedings, XII International conference Maintenance and production engineering ,,KODIP – 2014.
Cooperative training center faculty of Mechanical engineering Podgorica, ISBN: 978-9940-527-35-8, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Popović Mihajlo (2014). Optimizacija putanje alata pri obradi slobodnih površina glodanjem, Proceedings, XII International conference Maintenance and production engineering “KODIP – 2014”.
Cooperative training center faculty of Mechanical engineering Podgorica, ISBN: 978-9940-527-35-8, M33.
Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran (2013). Geometry analysis of straight fluted taps, Proceedings, 35th International Conference on Production Engineering ICPE 2013.
Kraljevo : Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, ISBN: 978-86-82631-69-9, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Popović Mihajlo (2013). Analysis Of Machining Strategies Using Commercial CAD/CAM Software, Proceedings, 35th International Conference on Production Engineering ICPE 2013.
Kraljevo : Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, ISBN: 978-86-82631-69-9, M33.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Bojanić Pavao, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2012). Mehanički mikroobradni procesi, Proceedings - X International Conference Maintenance and Production Engineering ,,KODIP - 2012.
Cooperative training center faculty of Mechanical engineering Podgorica, ISBN: 978-9940-527-24-2, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag (2012). Modeliranje, proračun i ispitivanje rešetkaste krovne konstrukcije, Proceedings, X International Conference Maintenance and Production Engineering ,,KODIP - 2012
Cooperative training center faculty of Mechanical engineering Podgorica, ISBN: 978-9940-527-24-2, M33.
Mladenović Goran, Popović Mihajlo (2012). Modelling, calculations and testing of single girder bridge crane and crane rails, Proceedings of the 11th International Scientific Conference – MMA 2012 - Advanced Production Technologies.
Jevtić Ivana, Mladenović Goran, Milovanović Aleksa, Milošević Miloš (2024). MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF PA12 SPECIMENS PRODUCED USING SLS TECHNOLOGY, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2024.
University of Belgrade, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-191-1, M34.
Cvetić Žarko, Majstorović Marija, Bojović Božica, Trajković Isaak, Golubović Zorana, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš (2024). INTEGRATION OF ADDITIVE TECHNOLOGY AND MECHANICAL TESTING FOR THE ANALYSIS OF AUXETIC STRUCTURE CHARACTERISTICS, „International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies“ CNN TECH, Book of ApstractsBelgrade, June 24 - 27, 2024.
ISBN: 978-86-6060-191-1, M34.
Kocić Igor, Mladenović Goran, Nikolić Saša, Mitić Darko, Danković Nikola, Đekić Petar (2023). Revitalization of horizontal boring mill machine using plc controller and dc converter, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07, 2023.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Stojanović Jagoš, Mladenović Goran, Ranković Jovana (2023). Analysis of static strength of special tool for assembling wagon body, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07, 2023.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Ranković Jovana, Mladenović Goran, Stojanović Jagoš (2023). Analysis of static strength of the production tool for mounting and internal transport the cab of the mireo high-speed train, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Stojanović Jagoš, Puzović Radovan, Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš (2023). Aplication of rough machining with ball end mill cutter in 3 axis free form surface manufacturing, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Stojanović Jagoš, Mladenović Goran, Tanasković Jovan, Pjević Miloš (2023). Force prediction models in ball end milling of freeform surfaces, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Balać Martina, Dragičević Aleksandra, Živanović Saša, Vorkapić Nikola, Slavković Nikola, Dimić Zoran, Vidaković Jelena (2023). Design of MULTIPRODESK: Multifunctional rapid prototyping desktop machine, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN TECH 2023 - The Book of Abstracts, Zlatibor, Serbia, 04-07 July..
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Jevtić Ivana (2022). Strategies development for rough milling in free form surfaces machining, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-120-1, M34.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Puzović Radovan, Mladenović Goran (2022). Part deformability prediction during the milling of AlMgSi1 (6082) material, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-120-1, M34.
Stojanović Jagoš, Mladenović Goran (2022). Analysis of methods for tool path generation using commercial cam systems, 6th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2022, The Book Of Abstracts.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-120-1, M34.
Trajković Isaak, Milošević Miloš, Sedmak Aleksandar, Rakin Marko, Radosavljevic Zoran, Mladenović Goran, Međo Bojan (2022). Additive manufacturing and characterisation using digital image correlation of tensile pipe ring specimens, 2nd International Conference on Advanced Production and Processing, The Book Of Abstracts.
University of Novi Sad, Faculty of Technology, ISBN: 978-86-6253-160-5, M34.
Jevtić Ivana, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš, Milovanovic Aleksa, Trajković Isaak, Travica Milan (2022). Mechanical characteristics of parts obtained by sls printing technology, 3rd International Workshop on Reliability and Design of Additively Manufactured Materials, The Book Of Abstracts, 4-6. October 2022, Belgrade, Serbia.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-140-9, M34.
Vasilić Goran, Živanović Saša, Kokotović Branko, Dimić Zoran, Milutinović Milan (2021). Configuring a class of machines based on reconfigurable 2DOF planar parallel mechanism, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN TECH 2021.
Belgrade : Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-077-8, M34.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan (2021). Applicability of rapid tooling in injection molding application, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2021” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-077-8, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Jevtić Ivana (2021). Rough milling with end mill cutter in apllication for free form surfaces machining, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2021” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-077-8, M34.
Mladenović Goran (2021). Development of an out of vacuum solution for particle detector electronics using commercial cad software, 5th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2021, The Book Of Abstracts.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-077-8, M34.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš, Tanović Ljubodrag (2020). Influence of the part cooling during the printing process on the quality of polymer parts produced by fff/ffd method, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2020” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-042-6, M34.
Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Milošević Miloš, Liviu Marsavina, Filippo Berto (2020). Variable layers thickness optimization of the pla parts formed by fff/ffd method, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2020” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-042-6, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Milovanović Marko, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo (2020). Concept development for rough milling of free form surfaces, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2020” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-042-6, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Milovanović Marko, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Stojadinović Slavenko (2019). Development of application software for automatic manufacturing techology design of free form surfaces, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2019” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9, M34.
Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Milošević Miloš, Milovanović Aleksa, Milošević Nenad (2019). Experimental determination of type of fracture pla specimens in the function of printing conditions, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2019” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9, M34.
Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran (2018). Experimental examinations of machinability of ceramic materials during micro processing, 22nd European Conference of Fracture “ECF22” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-900686-0-9, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Đurković Marija, Milošević Miloš, Milovanović Marko, Pjević Miloš, Mitrović Nenad (2018). The influence of welded ribs on the stability of the X table construction, 22nd European Conference of Fracture “ECF22” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-900686-0-9, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Milovanović Marko, Tanović Ljubodrag, Tim Jones, Pjević Miloš (2018). Manufacturing and geometry measurement of parts with free form surfaces, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies “CNN TECH 2018” - Book of Abstracts.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-979-3, M34.
Milošević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Sedmak Aleksandar, Rakin Mirko, Likozar Blaž, Ivanović Ivana, Živanović Saša (2017). Designing of manufacturing process of reformer integrated in system with HTPEM fuel cell stack, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN TECH 2017 - The Book of Abstracts, pp.51, Zlatibor, Serbia, 02-05 July, 2017.
ISBN: 978-86-7083-938-0, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Živanović Saša, Milošević Miloš, Sedmak Aleksandar, Plohar Andrej, Ivanović Ivana, Rakin Mirko (2017). Technological analysis for machining of the reformers for fuel cells testing, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, CNN TECH 2017 - The Book of Abstracts, pp.52, Zlatibor, Serbia, 02-05 July, 2017.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-938-0, M34.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Milovanović Marko, Jones Tim (2017). CAD/CAM system for automatic manufacturing technology design of free form surface parts, 1st International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2017, The Book Of Abstracts.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-938-0, M34.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Bojanić Pavao, Glavonjić Miloš, Milutinović Dragan, Majstorović Vidosav, Puzović Radovan, Kokotović Branko, Popović Mihajlo, Živanović Saša, Slavković Nikola, Mladenović Goran, Stojadinović Slavenko (2012). Razvoj nove generacije domaćih obradnih sistema – rezultati istraživanja za 2011. godinu, Zbornik radova - 38. JUPITER konferenencija.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, Katedra za proizvodno mašinstvo, ISBN: 978-86-7083-757-7, M61.
Milutinović Dragan, Glavonjić Miloš, Tanović Ljubodrag, Bojanić Pavao, Puzović Radovan, Živanović Saša, Kokotović Branko, Popović Mihajlo, Slavković Nikola, Mladenović Goran (2011). Rezultati istraživanja i razvoja nove generacije obradnih sistema, Zbornik radova - 37. JUPITER konferenencija.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, Katedra za proizvodno mašinstvo, ISBN: 978-86-7083-724-9, M61.
Živanović Saša, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Kokotović Branko, Slavković Nikola, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran, Stojadinović Slavenko, Pjević Miloš, Vorkapić Nikola, Dimić Zoran, Rakić Aleksandar, Manasijević Srećko (2022). Revitalizacija horizontalne bušilice glodalice LOLA HBG 80 upravljanjem otvorene arhitekture na LinuxCNC platformi, 43 JUPITER konferencija : zbornik radova, Beograd, oktobar 2022.
Univerzitet u Beogradu Mašinski Fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-137-9, M63.
Spasojević Bojana, Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Puzović Radovan (2022). Simulacija procesa kovanja primenom naprednih softverskih alata, 43. Jupiter Konferencija - Zbornik Radova.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-137-9, M63.
Trajkov Aleksandra, Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran (2022). Analiza proizvodnosti delova većih gabarita primenom aditivnih tehnologija i tehnologija spajanja, 43. Jupiter Konferencija - Zbornik Radova.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-137-9, M63.
Stojanović Jagoš, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2022). State of the art in the field of force prediction in ball end milling, 43. JUPITER konferencija : zbornik radova.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski Fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-137-9, M63.
Jevtić Ivana, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran, Pjević Miloš, Milošević Miloš, Milovanović Aleksa (2022). Generativni dizajn i primena aditivnih tehnologija u okruženju creo parametric, 43. JUPITER konferencija - Zbornik radova.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski Fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-137-9, M63.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Živanović Saša, Puzović Radovan, Kokotović Branko, Popović Mihajlo, Slavković Nikola, Mladenović Goran, Stojadinović Slavenko, Pjević Miloš, Vorkapić Nikola (2020). Razvoj nove generacije domaćih obradnih sistema rezultati istraživanja za 2019. godinu, 42 JUPITER konferencija : zbornik radova, Beograd, oktobar 2020.
Univerzitet u Beogradu Mašinski Fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-054-9, M63.
Kalabić Ranka, Popović Mihajlo, Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag (2020). Istraživanje uticaja parametara obrade na pokazatelje kvaliteta pri obradi rezanjem polimera, 42. Jupiter Konferencija - Zbornik Radova.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-055-6, M63.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Milovanović Marko, Popović Mihajlo, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš (2020). Development of a system for automatic technology design for pre-machining of parts with free form surfaces, Zbornik radova 42. JUPITER konferencije, 29. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-055-6, M63.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Puzović Radovan, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo (2018). The development of software solution for automatic choise of machining parameters for free form surfaces parts, Zbornik radova 41. JUPITER konferencije, 28. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-978-6, M63.
Pjević Miloš, Tanović Ljubodrag, Mladenović Goran (2016). Uticaj putanje alata na kritičnu dubinu prodiranja kod mikrorezanja krtih materijala, 40. Jupiter Konferencija - Zbornik Radova.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-893-2, M63.
Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2016). The cutting edge geometry analysis of straight flutes taps, Zbornik radova sa 40. JUPITER konferencije, 27. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-893-2, M63.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Pjević Miloš, Popović Mihajlo (2016). Sculptured surface milling - the development of CAD/CAM system, Zbornik radova sa 40. JUPITER konferencije, 27. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-893-2, M63.
Pjević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Puzović Radovan, Tanović Ljubodrag (2014). Primena cad/cam sistema u projektovanju i izradi profilnih kruznih strugarskih nozeva, 41. Jupiter Konferencija - Zbornik Radova.
University of Belgrade, faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-838-3, M63.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Bojanić Pavao, Puzović Radovan, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2011). The application of the CAD/CAM/CAE program package in the design and manufacturing of casting pressure tools for parts made from polymers, Zbornik radova, 37. JUPITER konferencija, 24. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Beograd : Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-724-9, M63.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Bojanić Pavao, Milutinović Dragan, Glavonjić Miloš, Puzović Radovan, Kokotović Branko, Živanović Saša, Popović Mihajlo, Slavković Nikola, Mladenović Goran (2009). Развој технологија вишеосне обраде сложених алата за потребе домаће индустрије – Рекапитулација резултата на пројекту МА14034, Зборник радова - 35. ЈУПИТЕР конферененција, 31. симпозијум НУ-Роботи-ФТС.
Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет, Катедра за производно машинство, ISBN: ISBN 978-86-7083-666-2, M63.
Majstorović Marija, Bojović Božica, Mladenović Goran, Golubović Zorana (2024). Integracija aditivne tehnologije i mehaničke analize za epruvetu auksetičke strukture, 44. JUPITER konferencija, 31. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu, Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISBN: 978-86-6060-204-8.
Madic Milos, Trifunović Milan, Mladenović Goran, Nikolić Sasa, Kocić Igor (2024). Analysis of Dross Formation in Co2 Laser Axygen Cutting Using Machine Learning Model, 8th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2024.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-6060-191-1.
Mišković Žarko, Mitrović Radivoje, Milošević Miloš, Petrović Goran, Mladenović Goran, Trajković Isaak, Marković Dejan (2021). Design and rapid prototyping of medical devices – case study: mechanical ventilator, 5th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2021, Zlatibor, June 29-July 02..
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-077-8.
Milovanović Aleksa, Milošević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Travica Milan, Mitrović Nenad, Kirin Snežana, Trajković Isaak (2020). Experimental and numerical integrity assessment of home window profiles and frames, 4th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2020, Zlatibor, June 29-July 02..
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978‐86‐6060‐042‐6.
Poštić Srđan, Džigurski Ekatarina, Mladenović Goran, Trajković Isaak, Milošević Miloš, Milovanović Aleksa, Mitrović Nenad (2020). Compression strains and displacements of selected copings on remaining teeth for denture support, 4th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2020, Zlatibor, June 29- July 02..
Belgrade : Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978‐86‐6060‐042‐6.
Milošević Miloš, Milovanović Aleksa, Mladenović Goran, Kolesar Svetozar, Pandžić Adi, Travica Milan, Mitrović Nenad (2019). Analysis Of Parameter Impact On 3d Printed Experimental Samples For Tensile Testing, 3rd International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2019, Zlatibor, July 04-06..
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9.
Milovanovic Aleksa, Milošević Miloš, Maneski Taško, Mitrović Nenad, Travica Milan, Poštić Srđan, Mladenović Goran (2019). Development of the experimental methodology of strain measurement simulated in partly-edentulous artificial mandible, 3rd International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2019, Zlatibor, July 02-05..
Belgrade : Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9.
Milovanović Aleksa, Miletić Vesna, Cabunac Jovan, Mladenović Goran, Mitrović Nenad, Tomić Goran, Milošević Miloš (2019). Experimental determination of type of fracture pla specimens in the function of printing conditions, 3rd International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2019, Zlatibor, July 02-05..
Belgrade : Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9.
Milošević Miloš, Cabunac Jovan, Milovanović Aleksa, Mitrović Nenad, Mladenović Goran, Miletić Vesna (2018). Experimental setup for determining strain in dental composite veneers subjected to compressive load, 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22.
Society for Structural Integrity and Life – Prof. Dr Stojan Sedmak (DIVK), Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-900686-0-9.
Milošević Miloš, Poštić Srđan, Mitrović Nenad, Milovanović Aleksa, Travica Milan, Golubović Zorana, Mladenović Goran (2018). Experimental setup development of additively manufactured mandible with teeth and compensations subjected to compressive load, Loading and Environment Effects on Structural Integrity (book of abstracts), 22nd European Conference on Fracture - ECF22, Belgrade, 26 - 31 August, 2018.
Faculty of Technology and Metallurgy, Research and Development Centre of Printing Technology, ISBN: 978-86-900686-0-9.
Milovanović Aleksa, Milošević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Likozar Blaz, Čolić Katarina, Mitrović Nenad (2018). Accuracy of polymer electrolyte membrane (pem) fuel cell reformer prototypes using fdm and sla 3d printing technology in comparison with digital cad model, 2nd International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2018, Zlatibor, July 04-06..
Belgrade : Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-979-3.
Milošević Miloš, Mladenović Goran, Sedmak Aleksandar, Plohar Andrej, Likozar Blaz, Lozanović Šajić Jasmina (2016). Design of polymeric electrolyte membrane reformer, The 8th International Scientific and Expert Conference – TEAM 2016.
Slovak University of Technology, Trnava, Slovakia, ISBN: 978-80-8096-237-1.
Milošević Miloš, Mitrović Nenad, Mladenović Goran, Sedmak Aleksandar, Maneski Taško, Rusmirović Jelena, Marinković Aleksandar D. (2016). Strain analysis of unsaturated polyester resin using digital image correlation method, 16th International Conference on New Trends in Fatigue and Fracture „NT2F16“, May 24-27, Dubrovnik, Croatia.
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Dubrovnik, ISBN: 978-953-7738-39-6.
Mandić Marija, Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Danon Gradimir (2014). Model za predikciju sile rezanja pri obimnom glodanju hrastovine, 12. Međunarodna konferencija Održavanje i proizvodni inženjering “KODIP 2014”.
Podgorica : Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-9940-527-35-8.
Mladenović Goran, Tanović Ljubodrag, Pjević Miloš (2014). Obrada složenih površina glodanjem – poređenje strategija obrade, 39. JUPITER konferencija, 26. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-838-3.
Milošević Miloš, Mitrović Nenad, Mladenović Goran (2012). Procedure development for tooth cavity preparation diring polymerization cantraction analysis of dental composite materials, Fifth International Scientific Conference Contemporary Materials 2012.
Academy of Sciences and arts of the Republic of Srpska.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Bojanić Pavao, Puzović Radovan, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2011). Analysis of stone micro-cutting mechanism using the example of granite and marble grinding, 34th International Conference on Production Engineering, 28.30. September, Niš, Serbia.
Niš : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-019-6.
Mladenović Goran, Popović Mihajlo (2011). Design and optimization for truss constructions using the software package autodesk inventor 2011®, VII Triennial International Conference Heavy Machinery – HM 2011.
Kraljevo : Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-82631-58-3.
Tanović Ljubodrag, Bojanić Pavao, Popović Mihajlo, Mladenović Goran (2011). СПЕЦИФИKA МИКРОРЕЗАНИЯ ГРАНИТА, VII Международная научно-техническая конференция “Процеси Механiчної Обробки в Машинобудуванні 2011.
Житомирський державний технологічний університет, Житомир, ISSN: 1817–2997.
Bojanić Pavao, Mladenović Goran (2011). Analiza problema pri generisanju putanje alata pri obradi skulptorskih površina, 37. JUPITER Konferencija, 24. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-724-9.
Mladenović Goran (2011). Analiza strategija obrade korišćenjem komercijalnih cad/cam softvera, 37. JUPITER Konferencija, 24. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-724-9.
Bojanić Pavao, Mladenović Goran (2010). Generisanje putanje alata po kriterijumu izo-hrapavosti pri obradi skulptorskih površina na 3-osnim cnc mašinama, 36. JUPITER konferencija, 23 simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-696-9.
Mladenović Goran (2009). Informacioni sistem za potrebe održavanja proizvodne opreme u industriji proizvodnje kablova, 35. JUPITER Konferencija, 37. simpozijum CAD/CAM.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-666-2.
Mladenović Goran (2019). CAD/CAM Sistemi - Praktikum za Creo parametric, Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-6060-013-6.
Mladenović Goran, Bojanić Pavao (2012). CAD/CAM Sistemi - Prirucnik za vežbe (Pro/ENGINEER - Prakticna primena), Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-767-6.
Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет
Краљице Марије 16, 11120 Београд 35
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