др Јован Д. Танасковић, редовни професор
Катедра за шинска возила
Кабинет: 410
Мејл адреса: jtanaskovic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Телефон: локал 309; директан 33-70-351
https://orcid.org/ 0000-0002-2936-5535
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Железнички системи
Животни циклус шинских возила
Завршни предмет - Животни циклус шинских возила
Завршни предмет - Теорија вуче
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Напредне методе одржавања шинских возила
Одржавање шинских возила
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Теорија вуче
Теорија вуче
Управљање и оптимизација преноса снаге локомотива
Железнички системи. Теорија вуче. Пројектовање и испитивање шинских возила. Пасивна безбедност шинских возила. Одржавање шинских возила.
Универзитет у Београду Машински Факултет, Дипл. инж. маш., 1999.; Универзитет у Београду Машински факултет, Мр. техн. наука, 2006.; Универзитет у Београду Машински факултет, Др. техн. наука, 2011.
Аутор и коаутор 67 радова у међународним и националним часописима, зборницима радова међународних и националних конференција и симпозијума, 2 поглавље у научној монографији међународног значаја, 1 научна монографија националног значаја, 1 уџбеник, 13 техничких решења и 3 регострована национална патента. Велики број студија и пројеката.
Miltenović Aleksandar, Banić Milan, Tanasković Jovan, Marinović Stefanović Jelena, Rangelov Damjan, Perić Marko (2022). Wear load capacity of crossed helical gears, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS Series: Mechanical Engineering.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 0354-2025, 10.22190/FUME220114015M, M21a.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Momčilović Dejan, Tanasković Jovan, Sedmak Aleksandar (2024). Testing of the condition and performance of coupling links from screw couplings of train, Engineering Failure Analysis, 161.
Elsevier, ISSN: 1350-6307, 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2024.108331, M21.
Vuksić-Popović M., Tanasković Jovan, Glisić D., Radović Nenad A., Franklin F. J. (2021). Experimental and numerical research on the failure of railway vehicles coupling links, Engineering Failure Analysis, 127.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1350-6307, 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105497, M21.
Tanasković Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan, Franklin G. Vasic (2015). Experimental investigations of the shrinking-splitting tube collision energy absorber, Thin-Walled Structures, 86, 142-147.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0263-8231, 10.1016/j.tws.2014.10.007, M21.
Milković Dragan, Simić Goran, Jakovljević Živana, Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan (2013). Wayside system for wheel-rail contact forces measurements, Measurement, 46(9), 3308-3318.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0263-2241, 10.1016/j.measurement.2013.06.017, M21.
Tanasković Jovan, Franklin F., Mitrović A., Disić A. (2021). Experimental research of absorption properties of rigid foam filled circular seamless tube energy absorber under quasi-static axial load, Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part F-Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, 235(8), 982-992.
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 0954-4097, 10.1177/0954409720976034, M22.
Simić Goran, Lučanin Vojkan, Tanasković Jovan, Radović Nenad A. (2009). Experimental research of characteristics of shock absorbers of impact energy of passenger coaches, Experimental Techniques, 33(4), 29-35.
Blackwell Publishing Inc., ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2008.00470.x, M22.
Tanasković Jovan, Franklin F., Radović Nenad A., Zivić Fatima (2022). Structural Design of Safety Steel Device of Railway Vehicles Through Analytical and Experimental Investigations, Acta Polytechnica Hungarica, 19(6), 21-33.
Budapest Tech Polytechnical Institution, ISSN: 1785-8860, M23.
Zivić Fatima, Adamović Dragan, Mitrović Slobodan, Grujović Nenad, Tanasković Jovan, Stojadinović Ivan (2021). Influence of different environments on the sliding friction of Ultra-high-molecular-weight polyethylene (UHMWPE), Proceedings of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part J-Journal of Engineering Tribology.
Sage Publications Ltd, London, ISSN: 1350-6501, 10.1177/13506501211053100, M23.
Zivić Fatima, Grujović Nenad, Mitrović Slobodan, Tanasković Jovan, Todorović Petar (2021). Influence of the Ringer's solution on wear of vacuum mixed poly(methyl methacrylate) bone cement in reciprocating sliding contact with AISI 316L stainless steel, Hemijska Industrija, 75(2), 77-92.
Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd, ISSN: 0367-598X, 10.2298/HEMIND210105011Z, M23.
Tanasković Jovan, Franklin F., Disić A., Mišković Žarko (2017). Numerical Validation of the Combined Extrusion-Splitting Process of Energy Absorption Through Experimental Study, Experimental Techniques, 41(4), 421-431.
Springer, New York, ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1007/s40799-017-0185-2, M23.
Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan, Milković Dragan, Simić Goran, Miloš Marko (2014). Experimental Research of Characteristics of Modified Tube Absorbers of Kinetic Collision Energy of Passenger Coaches, Experimental Techniques, 38(3), 37-44.
Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, ISSN: 0732-8818, 10.1111/j.1747-1567.2011.00800.x, M23.
Tanasković Jovan, Mišković Žarko, Lučanin Vojkan, Mitrović Radivoje (2013). Experimental investigation of characteristics of passive safety elements, Advanced Materials Research, 633, 290-300.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd, ISSN: 1022-6680, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.633.290, M14.
Milković Dragan, Simić Goran, Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan, Radulović Saša (2017). Merna nesigurnost rezultata merenja ugla naletanja točka na šinu pomoću laserskog sistema postavljenog na koloseku, FME Transactions, 45(1), 69-76.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1701069M, M24.
Milković Dragan, Simić Goran, Tanasković Jovan, Jakovljević Živana, Lučanin Vojkan (2015). Experimental and numerical determination of the wheel-rail angle of attack, Facta Universitatis, Series: Mechanical Engineering, 13(2), 123-131.
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, ISSN: 0354-2025, M24.
Tanasković Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan, Simić Goran (2012). Eksperimentalno i numeričko određivanje karateristika cevnih apsorbera kinetičke energije sudara, FME Transactions, 40(1), 11-16.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M24.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Starčević Zorica, Međedović Nebojša (2023). Analysis of coupling system failures on freight trains, ACTA TECHNICA JAURINENSIS, 16(1), 11-17.
Széchenyi István University, Győr, Hungary, ISSN: 2064-5228, 10.14513/actatechjaur.00687, M51.
Tanasković Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan, Miloradović Nenad (2012). Eksperimentalna i numerička analiza karakteristika kombinovanih apsorbera energije sudara, Facta universitatis - series: Mechanical Engineering, 10(2), 125-136.
Univerzitet u Nišu, Niš, ISSN: 0354-2025, M51.
Cerović Vera, Milković Dragan, Grbović Aleksandar, Radulović Saša, Tanasković Jovan (2018). Measurement of the Stress State in the Lower Link of the Three-Point Hitch Mechanism, Experimental and Numerical Investigations in Materials Science and Engineering, 54, 112-121.
Springer International Publishing Ag, Cham, ISSN: 2367-3370, 10.1007/978-3-319-99620-2_9, M14.
Tanasković Jovan (2020). Research work in the field of passive safety of railway vehicles in Serbia, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2020.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-042-6, M32.
Todorović Ivan, Jovanović Milan, Krivokapić Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan, Tanasković Jovan (2024). Digital Transition of the Maintenance Process: Case of Rail Transport Company, 43 rd International Conference on Organizational Science Development Green and Digital Transition – Challenge or Opportunity.
University of Maribor, ISBN: 978-961-286-842-0, M33.
ISBN: 978-86-6055-183-4, M33.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Stojanović Jagoš, Lučanin Vojkan (2024). Research of the draw hook failures on rail vehicles in Serbia, XXI Scientific-expert Conference on Railways RAILCON '24.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-188-9, 10.5937/Railcon24005P, M33.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Međedović Nebojša (2023). Review of failure analysis of coupling systems on trains, PROCEDIA STRUCTURAL INTEGRITY, 48, 252-259.
ELSEVIER, ISSN: 2452-3216, 10.1016/j.prostr.2023.07.135, M33.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Krišan Ivan (2023). Technical condition of railway vehicles as a safety factor in traffic, XI Triennial International Conference Heavy Machinery – HM 2023.
Faculty of Mechanical and Civil Engineering in Kraljevo, ISBN: 978-86-82434-01-6, M33.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Starčević Zorica, Međedović Nebojša (2022). The trend of train coupling failure on Serbian railways in 10 year period, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Niš, ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M33.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Starčević Zorica (2022). Risk assessment of coupling system failure on train in current maintenance system, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M33.
Milković Dragan, Radulović Saša, Simić Goran, Tanasković Jovan (2020). Influence of head wind on the braking distance of single railway vehicle, Proceedings - XIX Scientific-expert conference on railways RAILCON `20.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-134-6, M33.
Tanasković Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan (2020). Numerical research of impact of tube wall thickness and polyurethane foam density on absorption characteristics, XIX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '20, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-134-6, M33.
Simić Goran, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan, Tanasković Jovan, Poznanović Milan (2018). Assesment of the fatigue behavior of repaired aluminium carbody structure, Proceedings : XVIII Scinetific-expert conference on railways RAILCON '18.
Niš : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-105-6, M33.
Tanasković Jovan, Mitrović Aleksandra, Lučanin Vojkan, Mišković Žarko (2018). Improving of absorption power of tube collision energy absorber by using polyurethane foam, XVIII Scinetific-expert conference on railways RAILCON 2018., Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-105-6, M33.
Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan, Milković Dragan, Živković Aleksandar (2016). Review of properties of collision energy absorbers – experimental and numerical researches, XVII Scinetific-expert conference on railways RAILCON 2016, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-086-8, M33.
Kasalica Sandra, Jeremić Dušan, Tanasković Jovan, Tričković Goran (2016). Assessing the effectiveness of technical measure on Serbian railway crossings, XVII Scinetific-expert conference on railways RAILCON 2016., Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-086-8, M33.
Milković Dragan, Simić Goran, Tanasković Jovan, Jakovljević Živana (2014). Experimental measurements and numerical simulations of the wheel-rail angle of attack, XVI Scientific-expert conference on railways RAILCON 2014, Proceedings.
978-86-6055-060-8, M33.
Tanasković Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan, Mišković Žarko (2014). Experimental research of characteristics of improved type of combined tube energy absorber, XVI Scinetific-expert conference on railways RAILCON 2014, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-060-8, M33.
Tanasković Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan, Mitrović Radivoje (2012). Experimental reserach of combined tubes collision energy absorber, 29th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2012.
University of Belgrade, M33.
Milković Dragan, Simić Goran, Jakovljević N., Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan (2012). Wayside monitoring system for wheel-rail contact forces measurements, 29th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2012.
University of Belgrade, M33.
Tanasković Jovan, Milković Dragan, Lučanin Vojkan (2012). Experimental reseraches and numerical simulations of combined collision energy absorber, XV Scinetific-expert conference on railways RAILCON 2012, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-028-8, M33.
Milković Dragan, Tanasković Jovan, Simić Goran (2012). Experimental and numerical analysis of flat cars connections between pivoting stanchions and main longitudinal beams, XV Scinetific-expert conference on railways RAILCON 2012, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-028-8, M33.
Stojanović Jagoš, Tanasković Jovan, Ranković Jovana, Vukšić Popović Marija, Rusov Srđan (2024). Analysis of failures of elements of draw gear and impacts on the safety of rail vehicles, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, The book of Abstract, 24.06. – 27.06.2024. Belgrade.
ISBN: 978-86-6060-191-1, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Stojanović Jagoš, Vukšić Popović Marija, Rusov Srđan (2024). Analysis of failures of power pack of diesel hydraulic multiple unit series 711, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, The book of Abstract, 24.06. – 27.06.2024. Belgrade.
ISBN: 978-86-6060-191-1, M34.
Stojanović Jagoš, Tanasković Jovan, Vukšić Popović Marija (2024). Research of the draw gear and screw coupling failures of rail vehicles, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Society for Structural Integrity and Life (DIVK12).
Društvo za Integritet i Vek Konstrukcija “Prof dr Stojan Sedmak” – Belgrade – Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-900686-2-3, M34.
Trajković Isaak, Milošević Miloš, Sedmak Aleksandar, Tanasković Jovan, Međo Bojan (2024). DETERMINATION OF FRACTURE MECHANICS PARAMETERS ON PIPE RING NOTCH TENSILE (PRNT) SPECIMENS, European Conference on Fracture 2024 Book of Abstracts.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, Zagreb, Croatia, ISBN: 978-953-7738-91-4, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Stojanović Jagoš, Mladenović Goran, Ranković Jovana (2023). Analysis of static strength of special tool for assembling wagon body, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07, 2023.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Ranković Jovana, Mladenović Goran, Stojanović Jagoš (2023). Analysis of static strength of the production tool for mounting and internal transport the cab of the mireo high-speed train, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Stojanović Jagoš, Mladenović Goran, Tanasković Jovan, Pjević Miloš (2023). Force prediction models in ball end milling of freeform surfaces, 7th International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2023, The Book Of Abstracts, Zlatibor, July 04- July 07.
University of Belgrade – Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-155-3, M34.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Međedović Nebojša (2023). Review of failure analysis of coupling systems on freight trains, 2nd International Symposium on Risk Analysis and Safety of Complex Structures and Components (IRAS 2023).
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Belgrade, Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-900686-1-6, M34.
Savić Angelina, Tanasković Jovan (2022). Analysis of impact the pressure on the rail vehicles and passenger during movement, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M34.
Stjepanović Milica, Tanasković Jovan (2022). Design of windows of rolling stock for the passenger transport, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M34.
Filipović Ana, Tanasković Jovan (2022). Development and analysis of static strength of the pinafore flaps on the low-floor tram on avenio platform, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M34.
Jovanović Milica, Tanasković Jovan (2022). Geometry reconstruction and strength analysis of the door support for the metro train platform “inspiro”, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M34.
Obradović Ognjen, Tanasković Jovan (2022). Implementation of 3d dimensioning through design of seat holder on “avenio” tram, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M34.
Panić Dragana, Tanasković Jovan (2022). Analysis of construction and the connection of the table between vis-à-vis seats, XX Scientific-Expert Conference on Railways - RAILCON '22, Proceedings.
University of Niš, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6055-160-5, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Panić Dragana, Đurković Marija (2022). Development and static strength analysis of the modified military semi-trailer bearing structure, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2022, The book of Abstract.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-120-1, M34.
Kostić Aleksandra, Tanasković Jovan (2021). Development and strength analysis of the sub-assembly implemented in the bearing structure of the "Avenio" tram, The book of Abstract : International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNNTECH 2021.
Belgrade : Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-077-8, M34.
Vukšić Popović Marija, Tanasković Jovan, Momčilović Dejan B., Lučanin Vojkan (2021). Experimental research of mechanical characteristics of railway vehicles safety coupling components, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2021, The book of Abstract.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-077-8, M34.
Živić Fatima, Adamović Dragan, Mitrović Slobodan, Grujović Nenad, Tanasković Jovan, Busarac Nina, Stojadinović Ivan (2021). Friction coefficient during the reciprocating sliding of uhmwpe in different environments, 10th International Conference on Tribology – BALKANTRIB ’20, Proceedings.
Serbian Tribology Society, ISBN: 978-86-6060-072-3, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Dragičević Aleksandra, Balać Martina, Milković Dragan (2020). Static strength analysis of construction of Mobile lifting platform, IV International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies – CNN TECH 2020, PROGRAMME AND THE BOOK OF ABSTRACTS.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-042-6, M34.
Milković Dragan, Radulović Saša, Lučanin Vojkan, Tanasković Jovan, Golubović Snežana (2019). Wheel-rail contact forces measurements using strain gauges applied on the rails, The book of Abstract - International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Belgrade, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Franklin Francis J., Banić Milan, Milković Dragan (2019). Experimental research of characteristics of shearing ring, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2019, The book of Abstract.
novation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9, M34.
Mohammed Anwer, Zivic Nenad, Balać Martina, Grbović Aleksandar, Tanasković Jovan (2019). Design and analysis of the efficiency of the vertically axial wind turbine, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2019, The book of Abstract.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-6060-009-9, M34.
Cerović Vera, Milković Dragan, Grbović Aleksandar, Radulović Saša, Tanasković Jovan (2018). Experimental measurements of the stresses in the lower link of the three-point hitch mechanism, The book of Abstract / International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2020.
Belgrade : Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-979-3, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Balać Martina (2018). Static strength analyses of the steel structure of biomass reservoir under hydrostatic pressure, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2018, The book of Abstract.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-979-3, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Mitrovic Aleksandra, Franklin Francis J., Milković Dragan (2018). Impact of density of polyurethane foam on absorption power of energy absorber, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2018, The book of Abstract.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-979-3, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Mitrovic Aleksandra, Milković Dragan, Golubović Snežana (2017). Axial crushing analysis of characteristics of empty and foam filled circular tubes, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2017, The book of Abstract.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-938-0, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan (2011). Experimental investigations and numerical simulations of tube shrinking collision energy apsorbers, 28th Danubia - Adria - Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2011.
Scientific Society for Mechanical Engineering, M34.
Lučanin Vojkan, Tanasković Jovan (2010). Research of collision energy and absorbers dynamic of passenger train, 27th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2010.
Wroclaw University of Technology, M34.
Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan, Vasović Ivana, Golubović Snežana D. (2009). Experimental research of a collision energy absorber of a passenger train, 26th Danubia-Adria Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics.
Institute of Mechanical Engineering, M34.
Tanasković Jovan (2016). Non-linear Dynamics Analysis of Absorption Process of Collision Kinetic Energy of Rail Vehicles using Finite Element Method, Mini-symposium “Non-Linear Dynamics with Applications in Engineering Systems”, Booklet of Abstracts.
Mathematical Institute of the Serbian Academz of Sciences and Arts, ISBN: 978-86-7746-623-7, M62.
Tanasković Jovan, Lučanin Vojkan (2014). Пасивна безбедност шинских возила.
Univerzitet u Beogradu Mašinski fakultet, ISBN: 978-86-7083-777-5, M42.
Анализа отказа вучних уређаја железничких возила као фактор безбедности и ризика од раскинућа воза, Марија Вукшић Поповић, 2021.
Универзитет у Београду, Машински факултет
Краљице Марије 16, 11120 Београд 35
тел. (+381 11) 3302-200, факс 3370364