Никола В. Момчиловић

др Никола В. Момчиловић, ванредни професор
Катедра за бродоградњу
Кабинет: 426
Мејл адреса: nmomcilovic@mas.bg.ac.rs
Телефон: локал 388; директан 3302-388

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Истраживачка област

Чврстоћа брода, структурна анализа (МКЕ), пројектовање бродова, бродске конструкције, структурна поузданост, речни бродови.

Образовање, стручна спрема

Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, дипл. инж., 2007. Машински факултет Универзитета у Београду, доктор техничких наука, 2014.

Публикације, признања, награде

Већи број научних радова објављених у међународним часописима и на конференцијама. Већи број стручних радова. Једно техничко решење. Годишња награда Машинског факултета за најбољу књигу у 2021. години: Radojčić D, Simić A, Momčilović N, Motok M, Friedhoff B: Design of Contemporary Inland Waterway Vessels: the Case of the Danube River. Spinger.

Чланства у научним и стручним организацијама

Британско краљевско друштво бродограђевних инжењера (RINA) - MRINA члан. Друштво бродограђевних инжењера и техничара (ДБИТ).


Радови у часописима са SCI листе

Vasilev Matija, Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola (2025). On energy efficiency of tankers: EEDI, EEXI and CII, Ocean Engineering, 317.
Elsevier (Ocean Engineering), ISSN: 0029-8018, 10.1016/j.oceaneng.2024.120028, M21.

Momčilović Nikola, Ilić Nemanja, Kalajdžić Milan, Ivošević Špiro, Petrović Ana (2024). Effect of Corrosion-Induced Structural Degradation on the Ultimate Strength of a High-Tensile-Steel Ship Hull, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 12(5).
MDPI, ISSN: 2077-1312, 10.3390/jmse12050745, M21.

Motok Milorad, Momčilović Nikola, Rudaković Stefan (2022). Reliability based structural design of river-sea tankers: Still water loading effects, Marine Structures, 83.
Elsevier Sci Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 0951-8339, 10.1016/j.marstruc.2022.103202, M21.

Ivošević Špiro, Kovač Nataša, Momčilović Nikola, Vukelić Goran (2022). Evaluation of the Corrosion Depth of Double Bottom Longitudinal Girder on Aging Bulk Carriers, Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10(10).
MDPI, 10.3390/jmse10101425, M21.

Petrović Ana, Ignjatović Dragan, Sedmak Simon, Milošević-Mitić Vesna, Momčilović Nikola, Trišović Nataša, Jeremić Lazar (2021). Model analysis of bucket wheel excavator SchRs 630 strength, Engineering Failure Analysis, 126.
Pergamon-Elsevier Science Ltd, Oxford, ISSN: 1350-6307, 10.1016/j.engfailanal.2021.105451, M21.

Kovač Nataša, Ivošević Špiro, Momčilović Nikola (2024). Corrosion-induced thickness diminution of an ageing bulk carrier, Brodogradnja, 75(4).
Zagreb : Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Arhitecture, ISSN: 0007-215X, 10.21278/brod75404, M22.

Kalajdžić Milan, Vasilev Matija, Momčilović Nikola (2023). Inland waterway cargo vessel energy efficiency in operation, Brodogradnja : Teorija i praksa brodogradnje i pomorske tehnike, 74(3).
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, ISSN: 0007-215X, doi.org/10.21278/brod74304, M23.

Kalajdžić Milan, Vasilev Matija, Momčilović Nikola (2022). Power reduction considerations for bulk carriers with respect to novel energy efficiency regulations, Brodogradnja, 73(2), 79-92.
Univ Zagreb Fac Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture, Zagreb, ISSN: 0007-215X, 10.21278/brod73205, M23.

Kalajdžić Milan, Vasilev Matija, Momčilović Nikola (2022). Evaluating an Inland Waterway Cargo Vessel's Energy Efficiency Indices, Polish Maritime Research, 29(2), 27-34.
Sciendo, Warsaw, ISSN: 1233-2585, 10.2478/pomr-2022-0014, M23.

Ivosević Spiro, Kovac Nataša, Momčilović Nikola, Vukelić Goran (2021). Analysis of corrosion depth percentage on the inner bottom plates of aging bulk carriers with an aim to optimize corrosion margin, Brodogradnja, 72(3), 81-95.
Univ Zagreb Fac Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture, Zagreb, ISSN: 0007-215X, 10.21278/brod72306, M23.

Popović Dejana, Mitrović Nenad, Petrović Aleksandar, Milošević Miloš, Momčilović Nikola (2020). Sustainable development of pressure equipment using 3d digital image correlation method, Chemical Industry & Chemical Engineering Quarterly, 26(3), 287-293.
Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-9372, 10.2298/CICEQ190124006P, M23.

Momčilović Nikola, Motok Milorad, Maneski Taško (2020). Derivation of Elastic Constants for Orthotropic Plates, International Journal of Steel Structures, 20(1), 330-342.
Korean Soc Steel Construction-Kssc, Seoul, ISSN: 1598-2351, 10.1007/s13296-019-00284-6, M23.

Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola (2020). A step toward the preliminary design of seagoing multi-purpose cargo vessels, Brodogradnja, 71(2), 75-89.
Univ Zagreb Fac Mechanical Engineering & Naval Architecture, Zagreb, ISSN: 0007-215X, 10.21278/brod71205, M23.

Bajić Darko, Momčilović Nikola, Maneski Taško, Balać Martina, Kozak Dražan, Culafić Stefan (2017). Numerical and experimental determination of stress concentration factor for a pipe branch model, Tehnički vjesnik, 24(3), 687-692.
Univ Osijek, Tech Fac, Slavonski Brod, ISSN: 1330-3651, 10.17559/TV-20151126222916, M23.

Mitrović Nenad, Petrović Aleksandar, Milošević Miloš, Momčilović Nikola, Mišković Žarko, Maneski Taško, Popović Predrag (2017). Experimental and numerical study of globe valve housing, Hemijska Industrija, 71(3), 251-257.
Savez hemijskih inženjera, Beograd, ISSN: 0367-598X, 10.2298/HEMIND160516035M, M23.

Momčilović Nikola, Motok Milorad, Maneski Taško (2013). Stress concentration on the contour of a plate opening: analytical, numerical and experimental approach, Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (Poland), 51(4), 1003-1012.
Polish Society of Theoretical and Allied Mechanics, ISSN: 1429-2955, M23.

Mitrović Nenad, Milošević Miloš, Momčilović Nikola, Petrović Aleksandar, Sedmak Aleksandar, Maneski Taško, Zrilić Milorad (2012). Experimental and numerical analysis of local mechanical properties of globe valve housing, Chemicke Listy, 106(SUPPL. 3), s491-s494.
ISSN: 0009-2770, M23.

Радови у часописима ван SCI листе

Ilić Nemanja, Momčilović Nikola (2023). On ultimate strength of an inland waterway barge, FME Transactions, 51(1), 90-98.
University of Belgrade - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fme2301090I, M24.

Momčilović Nikola, Motok Milorad, Maneski Taško (2019). Tačka najvećeg napona na konturi kvadratnog otvora u ploči, FME Transactions, 47(4), 846-850.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1904846M, M24.

Maneski Taško, Bajić Darko, Momčilović Nikola, Milošević-Mitić Vesna, Balać Martina (2018). Određivanje vrednosti unutrašnjeg pritiska koji će dovesti do plastične deformacije na modelu račve, FME Transactions, 46(2), 218-223.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, 10.5937/fmet1802218M, M24.

Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola, Mijatović Luka (2023). Decarbonizing the Bay of Kotor: Preliminary Electrification Concept of a Ferry, Journal of Maritime Sciences, 24.
Journal of Maritime Sciences, 10.56080/jms230503, M51.

Kalajdžić Milan, Vasilev Matija, Momčilović Nikola (2022). Assessment of Energy Efficiency for the Existing Cargo Ships, Journal of Maritime Sciences, 23(1), 33-46.
Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor, University of Montenegro, https://doi.org/10.56080/jms220502, M51.

Momčilović Nikola, Motok Milorad (2009). Analiza ušteda u sopstvenoj težini konstrukcije trupa broda primenom sendvič panel sistema gradnje, FME Transactions, 37(3), 123-128.
Univerzitet u Beogradu - Mašinski fakultet, Beograd, ISSN: 1451-2092, M51.

Радови са конференција

Ilić Nemanja, Momčilović Nikola (2023). Hull Girder’s Ultimate Capacity of the Inland Vessel Under Corrosion Effect, I. INTERNATIONAL MARITIME AND LOGISTICS CONGRESS (DELOK’23) 22-23 SEPTEMBER, 1.

Maneski Taško, Bajić Darko, Petrović Ana, Momčilović Nikola, Milošević-Mitić Vesna, Balać Martina (2017). Determination of internal pressure value causing pipe branch model to plastically deform, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies.

Ilić Nemanja, Momčilović Nikola (2023). Progressive collapse analysis of inland waterway cargo vessel, Structural Integrity Procedia, 48.
Elsevier, 10.1016/j.prostr.2023.07.126, M33.

Momčilović Nikola, Ilić Nemanja, Kalajdžić Milan, Ivošević Špiro, Petrović Ana (2023). Pitting and uniform corrosion effects on ultimate strength of a bulk carrier, Procedia Structural Integrity, 48, 12-18.
10.1016/j.prostr.2023.07.104, M33.

Ilić Nemanja, Momčilović Nikola (2023). Hull Girder’s Ultimate Capacity of the Inland Vessel Under Corrosion Effect, I. INTERNATIONAL MARITIME AND LOGISTICS CONGRESS (DELOK’23) 22-23 SEPTEMBER, 1.

Petrović Ana, Momčilović Nikola, Jovanović Miloš, Petrović Branko (2022). Optimization of the bucket wheel boom length using structural reliability approach, Proceedings of the XXIV International Conference MHCL’22.

Bačkalov Igor, Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola, Rudaković Stefan, Vidić Milica (2022). Shallow-draught vessels for the Vessel Train, Proceedings of 15th International Symposium on Practical Design of Ships and Other Floating Structures (PRADS 2022).
ISBN: 978-953-7738-87-7, M33.

Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola (2019). Preliminary Design Parameters of Multi-Purpose Cargo Vessels, Book of Proceedings - 8th International Maritime Science Conference (IMSC2019), Budva, Montenegro, 2019.
Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor, University of Montenegro, M33.

Bačkalov Igor, Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola, Rudaković Stefan (2016). A study of an unconventional container vessel concept for the Danube, PRADS 2016 - Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on PRActical Design of Ships and Other.
DTU Mechanical Engineering, Technical University of Denmark, M33.

Maneski Taško, Bajić Darko, Momčilović Nikola, Mitrović Nenad, Milošević Miloš, Petrović Ana, Balać Martina (2015). Analysis of the stress field in a model of pipe branches, Proceedings of TEAM 2015, 7th International Scientific and Expert Conference of the International TEAM Society.

Bačkalov Igor, Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola, Simić Aleksandar (2014). E-Type self-propelled vessel: A novel concept for the Danube, 7th International Conference on European Inland Waterway Navigation (EIWN 2014).
10.13140/2.1.4672.1287, M33.

Maneski Taško, Petrović Ana, Milošević M., Mitrović Nenad, Momčilović Nikola (2012). Classical and modernmeasuring methods inexperimental analysis of g -beam structure, 29th DANUBlA-ADRIA Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2012.
University of Belgrade, M33.

Momčilović Nikola, Kalajdžić Milan, Antić Dušan (2024). Finite element analysis of an unconventional hull designed for aquafarming, The 26th Symposium on Theory and Practice of Shipbuilding 2 - 5 October 2024, Zadar – Croatia.
Zadar : University of Zadar, ISBN: 978-953-331-515-7, M34.

Petrović Ana, Momčilović Nikola, Đorđević Branislav, Aranđelović Mihajlo, Sedmak Simon, Milošević-Mitić Vesna, Anđelić Nina (2024). Importance of welded joint characterization in construction designing, European Conference on Fracture 2024 (ECF24).

Momčilović Nikola, Petrović Ana, Kosić Boris, Ninković Neda, Opačić-Galić Vanja (2024). Structural integrity assesment of human tooth structure, European Conference on Fracture 2024 (ECF24).

Ilić Nemanja, Momčilović Nikola, Kalajdžić Milan (2024). Finite Element Analysis of product tanker deckhouses under severe sea state conditions, Proceedings of the 12th Annual Conference of Society for Structural Integrity and Life - DIVK12, November 17-19.
Društvo za Integritet i Vek Konstrukcija “Prof dr Stojan Sedmak” – Belgrade – Serbia, ISBN: 978-86-900686-2-3, M34.

Ilić Nemanja, Momčilović Nikola, Petrović Ana, Čeković Ivana (2024). Evaluating the Limit States: A Case Study of a Hull Girder, ISCAME - 10th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering.

Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola, Ignjatović Dalibor, Vulević Ivan, Ivković Ines (2024). Green Ship Solutions for Sheltered Maritime Waters and Inland Waterways in the Western Balkans, Book of Abstracts, 4 th Kotor International Maritime Conference November 27–29, 2024 | Kotor, Montenegro.
Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor University of Montenegro, ISBN: 978-86-80031-68-2, M34.

Ilić Nemanja, Momčilović Nikola (2024). ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF INLAND VESSELS: RHINEMAX CLASS, 5th International Conference on Smart & Green Technology for Shipping, Ship Design and Ship Structures SMATECH 2024 VIRTUAL, Book ofAbstracts, 24-25 April 2024.

Momčilović Nikola, Ivošević Špiro, Kalajdžić Milan, Ilić Nemanja (2024). ULTIMATE STRENGTH OF CORRODED HULL, 5th International Conference on Smart & Green Technology for Shipping, Ship Design and Ship Structures SMATECH 2024 VIRTUAL, Book of Abstracts, 24-25 April 2024.

Petrović Ana, Momčilović Nikola, Aranđelović Mihajlo, Đorđević Branislav, Sedmak Simon (2023). Influence of mechanical properties of welded joint regions on pipeline structural integrity, The 27th International Conference on Fracture and Structural Integrity.

Petrović Ana, Momčilović Nikola, Aranđelović Mihajlo (2023). Case-Study: Mechanical Properties of Welded Joint Regions Effects on Structural Integrity Assessment, ISCAME - 9th International Scientific Conference on Advances in Mechanical Engineering.

Momčilović Nikola, Kalajdžić Milan, Ilić Nemanja (2023). Simulating an ultimate bending moment of ageing hulls: a bulk carrier case study, Book of Abstracts 3rd Kotor International Maritime Conference November 26-29, 2023, Kotor, Montenegro.
University of Montenegro Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor, ISBN: 978-86-80031-67-5, M34.

Sedmak Aleksandar, Petrović Ana, Momčilović Nikola (2023). Reliability-based approach of integrity assessment of a bucket wheel excavator under stochastic dynamic loading, 2nd International Conference on Stochastic Dynamics and Statistical Application.

Momčilović Nikola, Popović Luka (2023). Finite element analysis of an unconventional hull, 3rd Kotor International Maritime Conference, Book of Abstracts 26–29 November 2023.
University of Montenegro Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor, ISBN: 978-86-80031-67-5, M34.

Petrović Ana, Li Wei, Trišović Nataša, Momčilović Nikola (2022). Solving Practical Engineering Problems of Structural Strength-Application of Dynamic Reanalysis Method and Model Testing, 10th International Conference of Applied Science, Banja Luka.

Kalajdžić Milan, Vasilev Matija, Momčilović Nikola (2022). Energy Efficiency of Inland Vessels: Current Status, SORTA 2022 PROCEEDINGS - 25th SYMPOSIUM ON THE THEORY AND PRACTICE OF SHIPBUILDING.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Zagreb, M34.

Kalajdžić Milan, Momčilović Nikola, Mijatović Luka (2022). EARLY-STAGE ELECTRIFICATION CONCEPT OF A FERRY FOR THE BAY OF KOTOR, Book of Abstracts - 2st Kotor International Maritime Conference (KIMC 2022), Kotor, Montenegro, 2022..
Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor, University of Montenegro, M34.

Kalajdžić Milan, Vasilev Matija, Momčilović Nikola (2021). Exploring an Effect of Novel IMO Policies on Energy Efficiency of Existing Ships, Book of Abstracts - 1st Kotor International Maritime Conference (KIMC 2021), Kotor, Montenegro, 2021..
Faculty of Maritime Studies in Kotor, University of Montenegro, ISBN: 978-86-7664-205-2, M34.

Maneski Taško, Bajić Darko, Petrović Ana, Momčilović Nikola, Milošević-Mitić Vesna, Balać Martina (2017). Determination of internal pressure value causing pipe branch model to plastically deform, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies.

Momčilović Nikola, Kalajdžić Milan, Ilić Nemanja (2023). Simulating an ultimate bending moment of ageing hulls: a bulk carrier case study, 3rd Kotor International Maritime Conference, Book of Abstracts, November 26-29, 2023, Kotor, Montenegro.
University of Montenegro Faculty of Maritime Studies Kotor, ISBN: 978-86-80031-67-5.

Momčilović Nikola (2021). Countering the climate change effects with unconventional design of inland vessels, 3rd International Conference on Smart & Green Technology for Shipping and Maritime Industries (SMATECH2021), Glasgow.
ISBN: 978-1-8383226-2-5.

Mitrović Nenad, Petrović Aleksandar, Milošević Miloš, Momčilović Nikola, Popović Predrag, Maneski Taško (2017). 3D DIGITAL IMAGE CORRELATION STUDY OF GLOBE VALVE HOUSING SUBJECTED TO INTERNAL PRESSURE, International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies CNN TECH 2017.
Innovation Center of Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, ISBN: 978-86-7083-938-0.

Momčilović Nikola, Motok Milorad, Maneski Taško (2016). Simplified numerical analyses of stiffened panels, 11th HSTAM International Congress on Mechanics Athens, Greece, 27 – 30 May, 2016.

Motok Milorad, Momčilović Nikola (2014). Optimization of stiffened pannels based on quasi-analytical strength response functions, OPT-i 2014 - 1st International Conference on Engineering and Applied Sciences Optimization, Proceedi.
National Technical University of Athens.

Mitrović Nenad, Milošević Miloš, Momčilović Nikola, Petrović Aleksandar, Mišković Žarko, Sedmak Aleksandar, Popović Predrag (2014). Local Strain and Stress Analysis of Globe Valve Housing Subjected to External Axial Loading, Local Mechanical Properties Ix, 586, 214-+.
Trans Tech Publications Ltd, Durnten-Zurich, ISSN: 1013-9826, 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.586.214.

Mitrović Nenad, Milošević Miloš, Momčilović Nikola, Sedmak Aleksandar, Petrović A., Maneski Taško (2011). Experimental - Digital image correlation method and numerical simulation of standard globe valve housing, 28th Danubia - Adria - Symposium on Advances in Experimental Mechanics, DAS 2011.
Scientific Society for Mechanical Engineering.


Radojčić Dejan, Simić Aleksandar, Momčilović Nikola, Motok Milorad, Friedhoff Benjamin (2021). Design of Contemporary Inland Waterway Vessels - The Case of the Danube River.
Springer, ISBN: 978-3-030-77324-3, M12.